Days 110 and 111 - Kermit's
Miles cruised 0, fuel purchased $0, slip fee $133, daily high temperature 79*f low temperature 73*f.
Three weeks in Key West passed by like a drunk Friday night. ( thank you Zac Brown ) Only five days to go until we fire up those turbo diesels and blast off for Fort Jefferson and the Dry Tortugas, but only if King Neptune cooperates. It is not looking good right now for a Friday passage. We shall see.
Since becoming a boat broker I have posted some information on the Great Loop web site. For what it’s worth, a Great Harbor 37 pulled in behind us at the Galleon Marina. Avocet is from Ft Meyers. The owner Dick came over and said I know you work for Weber Yachts. I read it in the AGLCA newsletter. Thank you for your support. They are not looking for a new boat at this time but it is nice to know someone is paying attention.
Jeff and Stacy were hugely generous again and brought several pounds of stone crab claws for dinner. We all took turns cracking the crab claws with the wooden mallet. Safety glasses should be mandatory as the shards of crab claw go flying all over the upper salon.
On Sunday we bid farewell to Jeff and Stacy. We had a great time with them and all our other guests. I guess spending a month in downtown Key West is a good way to let friends plan ahead to visit. Otherwise when we are on the move we can only give them a date or a location but not both. We will be in the Bahamas for a month so we hope to get some visitors while we are there. At least the ones that own their own airplanes.
Priscilla and I had key lime pie at the Key Lime Pie Company. This business was featured on the TV show the Profit. The crust was outstanding but the pie could have been just a little more tart like the pie at Kermit’s. When in Key West We suggest the key lime pie at Kermit’s which is near the Conch Republic restaurant.
One of our friends, Ken Baehr, commented that he had just seen his first green flash at sunset. He is in Krabi which is in southwest Thailand.
Green flashes and green rays are optical phenomenon that sometimes occur right after sunset or right before sunrise. When the conditions are right, a green spot is visible above the upper rim of the disk of the sun. The green appearance usually lasts for no more than a second or two. Rarely, the green flash can resemble a green ray shooting up from the sunset (or sunrise) point. Green flashes occur because the atmosphere can cause the light from the sun to separate out into different colors.
From our friend Holly Hanselmann – Here’s another Hemingway tidbit regarding Bimini. His brother wrote for a small newspaper in Bimini for a while. He regularly walked the docks and talked to anyone who would listen. Interesting guy.
Bonus photo
Carl (Chef) Wooden – quote of the day.
“I live in Florida, and when people ask how close to the beach I am, I say, “Twelve minutes or twelve hours. Depends on which beach you want to go to.”
Jarod Kintz
Jarod Kintz is a writer. After high school, it was on to college. In all I have attended six colleges. I bounced around like a dodgeball on a trampoline. If you count the college classes I took starting my junior year of high school, then I got my four-year degree in nine years. And if you’re going to do something, you might as well do it at least twice as well as everybody else—or at least at least twice as long.
I graduated with an English degree from the University of Florida, but I took creative writing classes from both UF and Florida State University. All through college I fancied myself a fancy man, because I was an aspiring writer. Mostly I wrote t-shirt slogans and other pithy things. In the spring of 2005 I did manage to sell a line of t-shirts to Urban Outfitters.
That is my lone success in life. Seriously. Well, so far anyway. But my story is just beginning. I plan on failing my way to success. I have been rejected by literary agents, publishers, MFA programs, and all sorts of women. But still I keep writing.
I have written many “books,” and I use the term books loosely. Mostly they are just compilations of my random thoughts and one-liners. But I like writing them, and people seem to like reading them. And that’s what it’s all about, right?
All my books are self-published, either through iUniverse or the wonderful Amazon Kindle program. I encourage everybody to write. Share yourself with the world. If there is one thing I like to impress upon people, it’s that you can do it, even if you can’t. Just keep can’ting until eventually you can. And you can quote me on that.